Assist. Prof. Dr. Stefan Stavrev
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ivelina Velcheva
Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
Abstract. In this study, we use two sensors – Kinect v 2.0 and Tobii 5.0 in order to detect and measure the attention levels of primary school students during the road safety educational classes. We use custom-developed road safety serious games for conducting the experiments with students in primary schools. One of the evaluation tools is a web-based e-book – a digital representation of a traditional textbook. The other tool is a 3D virtual platform for safety on the road. Both tools are developed using Unity 3D. Finally, we compare the selected road safety educational tools, discuss their strengths and weaknesses and draw conclusions.
Keywords: road safety education; serious games; game-based learning; sensors