Suren Zolyan
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Institute of the Humanities – Kaliningrad (Russia)
National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law – Yerevan (Armenia
Abstract. The translation is a multidimensional phenomenon. All the theories stress the diversity of its types and strategies. Aspects described as an unexplainable deviation within one theory can form the foundation for another. This may lead to the idea of replacing a theory of translation with its empiric version. However, a different approach is also possible. The outlines of the theory of translational and traductological relativity can be derived from the ideas firstly voiced by Schleiermacher in his lecture On the different methods of translation (1813) and Quineʼs theory of indeterminacy of translation.
Keywords: Schleiermacher’s lecture on the different methods of translating; traductological relativity; indeterminacy of translation; general theory of translation
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