За превода на филми в светлината на речевите актове
Станимир Мичев,
Нов български университет, София
El presente artículo tiene como objetivo establecer, a grandes rasgos, una
relación de contacto entre las normas de traducción audiovisual y la teoría
de los actos de habla, cuya formulación original se debe a J. L. Austin en su
obra póstuma “Cómo hacer cosas con palabras”. Se hace una presentación
general de la teoría de los actos de habla en la lingüística contemporánea, de
sus caractrísticas básicas, como también de los tipos principales de atactos de
habla. El artículo también intenta describir los aspectos normativos de evaluación
del producto de la traducción y su aplicación en el análisis de la calidad de la
traducción audiovisual como un tipo específi co de traducción escrita, hecha para
ser producida oralmente.
За приспивната песен, кръвта и превода на едно различно стихотворение
Венета Сиракова,
Нов български университет, София
El objetivo del presente artículo consiste en hacer un análisis descriptivo de una de las posibles traducciones al búlgaro del poema “Canción de la sangre” de la poeta chilena Gabriela Mistral. Este poema, que está incluido en la sección “Canciones de cuna” del poemario “Ternura” (1924) de Mistral, suele interpretarse como una de las máximas manifestaciones del espíritu maternal de la poesía mistraliana en su aspecto místico-existencialista, y de ahí parte el análisis de la traducción propuesta. Tratándose de un texto de difícil comprensión, las decisiones
del traductor no sólo se describen desde el punto de vista lingüístico sino también vienen acompañadas de breves argumentaciones de tipo estilístico-literario.
Teachers as lifelong learners or the craft, the art and the magic of professional development. Implementing a pedagogical portfolio – a case study
Svetlana Dimitrova-Gjuzeleva,
New Bulgarian University, Sofia
The present paper focuses on the lessons learned from using the NBU
Pedagogical Portfolio (Dimitrova and Tashevska, 2004) for the purposes of
quality assurance in the specifi c context of foreign language pre-service teacher
education and in-service teacher development, not just at New Bulgarian
University but in the wider professional community for over 15 years. In a way
the paper is also a continuation of the exemplary case study which appeared in the
QualiTraining Guide (Muresan et al, 2007) providing further details and more
specifi c evidence of the quality assurance function of the Portfolio2 . Snippets of
good practice and refl ection leading to professional growth are shared and readers
themselves are encouraged to refl ect on their own experience and development
as teachers and/or trainers.
Keywords: foreign language teacher education, NBU Pedagogical Portfolio,
professional development, FL teaching competence, quality assurance
Овладяване на понятийната система и метафоричните понятия на чужд език – теоретични и практически аспекти
Милка Хаджикотева
Нов български университет, София
Thе article discusses conceptual fl uency in a foreign language, in this case English, and is divided in three parts. Firstly, it discusses some theoretical aspects of conceptual fl uency theory with view to the successful acquisition of the lexical and semantic system of a foreign language. Secondly, it overviews some of the procedures, analyses and results of a case study carried out by the author in a group of students at level B1-B2 according to the CEFR in 2007 – 2008. Based on the results, last but not least, the article offers some practical ideas and methodological techniques to help students use more successfully metaphorical expressions typical of the conceptual system
underlying a foreign language.
Практическа фаза от разработването на нов тест (анализ на резултатите и редакция на “Тест по български като чужд, ниво А1”)
Галина Куртева, Десислава Димитрова
Нов български университет, София
This article describes the process of pre-testing a new test of Bulgarian as a foreign language which is conducted in several stages. Proper pre-testing requires a clear understanding of each task and question’s intent and is used to identify and correct tools and instruments in test design. The authors rely not only on the literature on that subject, but also on the knowledge gained by practice, experience and collected evidence for test qualities. For the investigation of test qualities two kinds of statistical procedures are run. The feedback questionnaire
for teachers’ opinion and instruction for test administration was developed. After analyzing the conclusions are summarized. As a result some important decisions are made. They concern some changes in test specifi cation: response format, rubrics, visual input, timing and weighting.
“Devono averci visti” и “ci devono aver visti” през призмата на теорията на Косериу, интерпретирана и определена от проф. Иван Кънчевкато динамичен структурализъм
Мария Ладовинска
Нов български университет, София
КОХЕРЕНТНОСТ НА НАУЧНИЯ ДИСКУРС. (Върху научни доклади на немски и български език.) С., Веда-Словена – ЖГ, 2011
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