Computer Models for Playing Billiards Using Frontal Shot
Prof. Dr. Toni Chehlarova
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria)
Abstract. Computer models with pool table oriented to the school teaching of mathematics are presented. The pool table in them has a board with six pockets and twelve “diamonds”, due to the expectation when working with these resources to form and apply not only mathematical knowledge, but also to master elements of the game of billiards…
Vocabulary Enrichment in Computer Science for International Students at the Preparatory Department of the University
1)Dr. Svetlana Mikhaelis, Assoc. Prof.,
1)Dr. Vladimir Mikhaelis, Assoc. Prof.,
2)Mr. Dmitrii Mikhaelis
1)Irkutsk State University of Railway Transport (Russia)
2)Baikal State University (Russia)
Abstract. Foreign students coming to study in Russia learn the Russian language at all levels, enriching their vocabulary…
Stem Robotics in Primary School
1)Tsanko Mihov, 2) Gencho Stoitsov, 2) Ivan Dimitrov
1)Primary school “Hristo Botev” – Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
2)University of Plovdiv Paisii Hilendarski (Bulgaria)
Abstract. Robotics has a significant role in modern life. Complex programmable devices are used in high-tech manufactures as well as in many households…
Участието на българските ученици в състезанията по информатика през 2021 г.
Емил Келеведжиев
Институт по математика и информатика – Българска академия на науките
Резюме. Предложен е кратък обзор на проведените ученически състезания в България и участието на български ученици в международни състезания по информатика…
Задачи от състезанията по математическа лингвистика в контекста на НВО-Х клас
Борислав Лазаров, Веселин Златилов
Институт по математика и информатика – Българска академия на науките
Резюме. В статията е разгледан въпросът доколко задачи от състезания по математическа лингвистика съответстват на българските образователни стандарти…
Problems of Cascade Type and Their Use for Assessment of Students’ Academic Achievements in Mathematics
Prof. Dr. Shkolnyi Oleksandr 1), Prof. Shvets Vasyl 1), Dr. Akiri Ion 2)
1) National Pedagogocal Dragomanov University – Kyiv (Ukraine)
2) Institute of Pedagogical Sciences – Chisinau (Moldova)
Abstract. Mathematical problems that contain a common condition and an ordered list of tasks are traditionally called cascade problems…
A Metagraph Model оf Cyber Protection оf аn Information System
Dr. Emiliya Koleva, Assist. Prof., Dr. Evgeni Andreev, Assist. Prof.,
Dr. Mariya Nikolova, Assoc. Prof.
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy – Varna (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The aim of this article is to present a developed metagraph model which serves to verify the minimum requirements for cyber security in web-based student information management systems…