Master’s Program High Performance Sport E-Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic
Abstract. The COVID-19 pandemic put to the test the learning process in master’s degree High Performance Sport. An urgent reorganization of both the theoretical and the sports modules was made. The main problems were what online platforms or tools of communication to be used and how effective this learning would be. Over the last few decades, online learning in higher education has been studied extensively.
The aim of this research was to examine the efficacy of the E-learning in Master program High Performance Sport during COVID-19 pandemic. The main research method used was observation study where the researcher becomes part of the group to be observed. The sample consisted of 92 cases. Sixteen theoretical modules were included together with some of the specialized subjects such as Conditioning, Basketball, Volleyball, Tourism and Orienteering, Biathlon, Tennis, Table Tennis, Weightlifting, Wrestling and Rhythmic Gymnastics. The math-statistical analysis of the data included frequencies and crosstabulation statistics. The software package used to analyse the data was IBM SPSS software platform version 23. The results showed that emails and distance studies platform www.virtual.nsa.bg were the most often used online platforms or tools for communication. The crosstabulation showed that the theoretical modules were taught mostly through virtual platform (79.2%) and Viber (74.4%) although the professors teaching specialized sports subjects predominantly used email communication (57.9%) or other social online platforms (62.5%).
This work provides an overview of the extent to which blended education has been highlighted by the pandemic. It helps understand the challenges lecturers may face in the new Internet era in relation to designing applicable materials and using non-standard learning methods to support students and education as a whole. We will have to rethink the very nature of sport and sports education. Perhaps this is a chance for a new beginning.
Keywords: education methods; evaluation; problems; opportunities; sport
Daniela Dasheva, Hristo Andonov, Liliya Doncheva
National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” (Bulgaria)
Online Coach Development Components: the Tennis Distal Method Coach Development
Abstract. Taking for granted the new standards in sports in regard to the recent, still-evolving pandemic, Coach Development is seen through a new prism, based on the experience gained from an online tennis Coach Development course. At First, the role of the coach is discussed as an expert generalist and then the ideal components of Coach Development systems are presented. Finally, it is discussed whether these findings may be applied to online learning.
Keywords: online learning; expert generalists; motowords; drill structure; analytic method
Konstantinos G. Papageorgiou
University of Athens (Greece)
Trends in E-Learning in Massage Therapy – Technical and Pedagogical Solutions
Abstract. Electronic learning in the field of higher education has led to an intensification of the educational process, including a creation of new and perfection of the existing strategies and methods for teaching and learning. The dynamically changing reality sets new and hard to solve problems to massage education. Modern informational and communicational technologies enable the organization of the educational process in massage therapy but also pose a number of challenges to lecturers. This research aims at studying the students’ perception about the distance practices oriented to massage therapy and more particularly about gaining practical skills in virtual environment. Materials and methods: The research was done in the period March-May 2020 among 94 second-year students with major Kinesitherapy at NSA “V. Levski”. The students were taking part in an e-learning course in Chinese massage therapy including both theoretical knowledge and electronic practical classes. Results: The students showed a very good level of preparation in massage therapy which was evident from the conducted survey with the help of a questionnaire, but the preferable form of education in this subject is the classroom-based one. Conclusion: We think that blended learning in the field of massage, i.e. a kind of education which combines the personal touch with the lecturer, synchronized and asynchronized education is the appropriate kind of education where the personal contact with the lecturer is an invariable part.
Keywords: massage; e-learning; electronic resources; students
Denka Marinova
National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” (Bulgaria)
Brain Breaks as a Solution to Overcome the Consequences of Social Isolation during Coronavirus Pandemic
Abstract. Distance learning became a big issue and challenge for the educational systems around the world during the coronavirus pandemic. For a while now, educators around the world have been talking about the need to rethink how we educate future generations and question what we need to teach and what we are preparing our students for. The aim of our study is how the digital platform of HOPSports Brain Breaks1) Physical Activity Solutions is implemented in the distance learning in terms of social isolation. In April 2015 starts the implementation of the system of HOPSports Brain Breaks Physical Activity Solutions in Bulgarian schools and communities. Before the crisis the system was in use mainly in the schools but in shape of the distance learning we are conducting the experiment in the framework of Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model (WSCC) delivering the BB videos in the families with the purpose to practice the different kind of PA at home and to support the proses of education. According the Ministry of Education in Bulgaria the teachers have not only to present the educational content to their pupils but also to provide psychological support thru holistic approach in the area of arts, technologies and sport. After a three months of collaboration with the teachers, social workers, psychologists and parents we can summarized that the digital program is more relevant now than ever, particularly with providing different PA applicable at home, practicing healthy habits and connecting children around the world through sport, culture and arts. As a conclusion we have to point that the digital platform of HOPSports Brain Breaks® Physical Activity Solutions improves the physical as well the mental health of the children and adolescents.
Keywords: distance learning; physical education; obesity; holistic approach
Zornitza Mladenova
The Foundation for Global Community Health (Bulgaria)
Transversal Skills Correlation to Online Education
Abstract. Rapidly changing society, we are living in and the World’s transformation observed in the last decade are providing new educational trends, increased needs and demands of the labor market and adaptivity of educational systems, especially during biosecurity emergencies such as COVID-19 pandemic. The new reality requires skills and knowledge that goes beyond a specific profession itself and leads to the emerging need of development of high level of possession of transversal skills in the current educational systems. “Transversal skills are those typically considered as not specifically related to a particular job, task, academic discipline or area of knowledge but as skills that can be used in a wide variety of situations and work settings” (IBE 2013). “These skills are increasingly in high demand for learners to successfully adapt to changes and to lead meaningful and productive lives” (UNESCO UNEVOC). Specific problem, analyzed by the present article focus on the correlation the aspects of transversal skills applied in force major accelerated development of educational systems and the feedback provided by students, which took part in online education activities. This research aims to analyze the interconnections between the development of transversal skills and the online reality of education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the implemented analysis of reachable literature, process overview and implemented survey with 91 respondents has been defined that the importance of transversal skills is critical to the effective and goal-oriented educational process in online environment, including the education in sport.
Keywords: COVID-19; online education; biosecurity emergency; skills development
Yoanna Dochevska
National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” (Bulgaria)
Challenges in the Application of Remedial Gymnastics in an Online Environment
Abstract. This article presents the information obtained from the examination of 34 men, about their motivation, benefits and preference time range for participation in online remedial gymnastics classes.
The analysis of the collected results could be used for organizing and conducting both treatment and prophylactic online classes with physical exercises, as well as for conducting practical exercises for students of physical education and sports and kinesiotherapy. The methodology of the remedial gymnastics aimed at improving the psychophysical condition of the participants and training in proper posture in daily activities.
Keywords: healthy back; back pain; prevention; spine correction
Ivelina Dimitrova
National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” (Bulgaria)
Physical Activity Interventions: Efficiency of Digital Applications
Abstract. Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of digital interventions in increasing the level of physical activity.
Methods: Studies on the effects of digital interventions on the level of physical activity in the literature were examined in detail and then a “Comprehensive Digital Intervention Model” was designed. In order to examine the effects of the model, which was created in order to be more effective, a project was created with the code name “More Active, More Health” to obtain a healthy lifestyle habits. Volunteers were reached to participate in the project through various digital channels. Interventions were delivered to the participants through the mobile application platform called Pacer for the implementation of the experiment. Experimental group 190 and control group 192 people were compared to six-week step numbers and put into statistical tests.
Results: It was observed that the interventions based on the comprehensive digital intervention model contributed to the physical activity level of the experimental group. It was also observed that the participant’s follow-up on self and using the social features to the level of physical activity. There were differences in the average number of steps in terms of topics such as education level, gender and income level of the experimental group. It was observed that the measures taken with the corona epidemic caused the number of daily steps to decrease dramatically.
Conclusion: It has been determined that digital interventions using this study model designed are efficient to increase the number of daily steps.
Keywords: self-determination; social media; gamification
Pınar Tanrıverdi, Salih Pınar
Marmara University (Turkey)
The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Online Distance Learning
Abstract. According to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic situation, the educational system was one of the sectors that had to move very quickly and adapt the learning process, and millions of young people to complete their education in an online environment, others to move to a higher educational level, and of course there are thousands of specialists who ask the question “was this education really effective?”. The transition to entirely online form of education was necessitated by the anti-epidemic measures in connection with COVID-19, and due to the uncertainty in controlling the virus, will probably continue in 2020/21 academic year. The aim of this study is to check whether there is a change in the opinion of experts from the National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” (NSA) regarding the indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the online learning at the moment of online education, compared to 2016 theoretical model. 73 teachers from NSA gave their opinion on the criteria presented in a theoretical model developed and evaluated in 2016, in a previous study. Various statistical methods were used to analyze the results. The results that were derived after the processing showed a significant rearrangement of the factors (indicators) for evaluating the effectiveness and greater concentration and attention on the selected criteria. In conclusion, it could be summarized that the factors influencing the evaluation of effectiveness are several and they are all significant and of particular importance. There is a need a lot of work to be done to improve the communication in the online platform, especially for online video conferencing with many participants, which should be integrated into the platform so as to create a convenient, easy and with many functional possibilities for work and study in a virtual environment.
Keywords: COVID-19; experts; quality; effectiveness; indicators
Milena Kuleva
National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” (Bulgaria)
Analysis of the Forms of Online Trainings during a Pandemic
Abstract. The COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented in its scale in the lifetime of most of us. The sport industry suffered a severe blow to the restrictions imposed to us by the government. However, the internet and online education make it possible to practice sport with a coach in the environment of our own house. The present study explores the online sport activities that the National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” undertook, its reach and impact, in order to maintain citizens active through sport as well as to lead the path for the other sport organization in Bulgaria and try to minimize the negative effect of the social isolation. We reviewed some of the literature connected to conditions connected to social isolation and prescribed measures on how to avoid these. Theoretical analysis and synthesis were used for classification of the forms used in the online education for the different types of sport. Facebook’s statistics were used in order to calculate the reach and impact of the forms of online training in sports used by us. We developed an algorithm for creating an online sport activity and an attempt was made to systemize those activities. The number of people reached with our videos was more than 226,000.
Keywords: sport; COVID-19; National Sports Academy
Dimitar Avramov
National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” (Bulgaria)
Analysis of an Online Taekwondo Competition
Abstract. The state of emergency declared in Bulgaria due to the COVID-19 situation has demonstrated that practicing sport under these conditions is limited. The National Sport Academy “Vassil Levski” has been the pioneer in the online trainings in Bulgaria. The Taekwondo department of the Academy was the first one to introduce an online competition in taekwondo during the 2020 pandemic in Bulgaria. The methods we used were theoretical – analytical, expert evaluation, mathematical – statistical method and survey. The feedback from the participants in the online tournament clearly indicate that such an event can and must be used in order to maintain motivation in athletes. Such an event cannot fully replace the “real” competition but it is essential under the conditions of social isolation.
Keywords: sport; championships; COVID-19
Asen Asenov
National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” (Bulgaria)
Online Training of University Students as Taekwondo Referees during a Coronavirus Pandemic
Abstract. COVID-19 caused the suspension of most sports events and the dismissal of all athletes, coaches, sports specialists, officials (referees and judges) and other persons involved in the field. In recent decades technological progress and digitalisation have undergone substantial development, thereby providing excellent opportunities for online training. In times of social distancing, hardware and software solutions have gained prominence as appropriate and necessary means of remote attendance for participants in educational events. Referees have become an integral part of modern sports as the officials upholding the proper application of the competition rules, fair play and the observance of the code of ethics during events. Considering the pandemic situation, which renders the conducting of attended events impossible, as well as the key role of sports officials, we set out to organize the training of Taekwondo officials online. The target group for the study consisted of students from the “Taekwondo Coach” specialty in the “Sports” faculty of the “Vassil Levski” National Sports Academy, given their specific knowledge and involvement in the sport. The implementation of the project showed that online training was a suitable method for the reinforcing, enriching and improving of the competencies of Taekwondo officials in Bulgaria during an ongoing pandemic. In the Taekwondo field, distance training proved to be a promising practice for the conducting of all theoretical and some practical classes for the officials in the country. The studies conducted allow us to conclude that during the COVID-19 pandemic it is possible to use modern technical means and methods successfully in order to involve athletes, coaches and officials with sports activities. The results of this project provoke us to re-assess the policies and methods applicable to the training of officials at the national and the international level.
Keywords: COVID-19; sports; technological progress; social distancing
Iliya Dimitrov
Bulgarian Taekwondo Federation – WT (Bulgaria)
Interactive Online Taekwondo Training and Education in the Times of COVID-19
Аbstract. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the world in every aspect of our life. It produced a huge impact on sports and education. People have to adapt and change in order to maintain their normal activities. Education and sports training are of great importance to young people. In this study, I research the possibilities for trainings under COVID-19 pandemic and local lockdowns. There are several ways to continue teaching and educating students in taekwondo under the social distancing rules.
The research focused on discussing the way taekwondo practicing has changed during the COVID-19 pandemic and what types of taekwondo trainings beginners, advanced and elite sportsmen prefer during the local lockdown.
The study was conducted through online questionnaires and interviews with coaches and taekwondo students. It shows that there was a major decrease in the number of students practicing taekwondo and it also reveals the ongoing fear of a major part of taekwondo athletes of the coronavirus.
Keywords: taekwondo; COVID-19; online; interactive; education
Dimitar R. Mihaylov
National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” (Bulgaria)
Physical (in)Activity during a Pandemic Lockdown
Abstract. The aim of the study (survey) is to trace how the physical activity of Bulgarians has changed during the state of emergency. The survey was conducted online between 10 and 20 June 2020. It contained 26 questions related to physical activity and nutrition habits. The questions were divided into 5 parts: 1. The attitude to nutrition and physical activity in general – 4 questions; 2. Level of physical activity before the state of emergency (based on an unpublished questionnaire of B. Palatova) – 11 questions; 3. Physical activity and nutrition during the state of emergency – 9 questions; 4. Motivation, physical activity and nutrition after the end of quarantine – 3 questions; 5. Demographic data. In this study we used 1 question from the first part, of the questionnaire for physical activity and 3 questions from the third part, which examines the type, purity and satisfaction with physical activity during the state of emergency. 329 men (39.9%) and women (60.5%) were surveyed, with a BMI of 15.22 to 42.73, 74.5% from Sofia, and 45.9% with a master’s degree. Only 5% of participants did not appreciate the importance of physical activity. The highest percentage of 33.4% (110 people) tried to increase their physical activity in general. From those 110 people, 85 continued to train actively during the state of emergency. 43% (141 people) of all respondents trained at home, of whom 8.5% used a training plan from an online application, 31.2% followed an instructor online, and 60.3% compiled their own training program. From that we can conclude that the online instructors and applications are still not so popular among respondents. The most satisfied with their training load are people who used an online instructor – 73%, which in our opinion is a potential niche for the market of online instructors.
Keywords: physical (in)activity; COVID-19; lockdown; body weight
Plamen Atanasov
National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” (Bulgaria)
COVID-19 Opportunities – Bulgarian Women: Work-Life Balance, Obesity and Stress
Abstract. Obesity is named the scourge of late 20th and early 21st centuries. It contributes to many chronic diseases. The prognosis is that it will only become a bigger problem in the near future. This research is aimed at studying the habits and mental state of busy working Bulgarian women aged 35 – 65 who are obese and are living abroad and the holistic approach towards their condition. We used Google form surveys to identify the knowledge, habits, and the state of mind of twenty-two obese Bulgarian women living in eleven different countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. 86.4% of the participants have one or more kids and 81.8% are in the workforce. Most of the working mothers declare that due to the demanding lives they lead, they often neglect their health and general wellbeing. Furthermore, 100% of the participants are stressed, obese and most of them have chronic illnesses. We found that all of the respondents are aware of their weight problem, and they describe their physique as above normal. We found that the majority of them are not involved in any kind of physical activities or sports, which could help them alleviate their stress. Only a small number of them have ever tried meditation or any other holistic approach towards becoming healthier and happier human beings. Our research shows that women in developed countries are working long hours and also are habitually engaged with housework. In our opinion, they accumulate stress, which in turn is the reason for them being overweight, encumbered by various illnesses and feeling unhappy. Furthermore, we found a strong and significant correlation between the forced isolation and improvement of lifestyle choices and health.
Keywords: obesity; stress, health; chronic illnesses; work-life balance
Vladimira Hristov
National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” (Bulgaria)
Online Distance Education on WordPress Web Based Platform as an Innovation in the Learning Process of Sports Students from Medical University – Sofia, during the Pandemic of COVID-19
Abstract. This study presents an alternative approach to building and delivering distance learning by creating a web-based learning process for the students of sport at the Medical University in Sofia by means of WordPress, a free platform for online content and websites, supplemented with specific plugins that are integrated in the website of the Language Education and Sports department (DEOS) at the Medical University in Sofia (http://deos.mu-sofia.bg.). Due to seasing academic instruction as a result of the emergency state in the country and the COVID-19 pandemic, the instructors from the Sports sector at the Medical University needed to quickly replace and restructure the practical training sessions from the program into online and theoretical ones. In the course of education, the theoretical material on the major sports disciplines was presented online in the form of 41 lectures in PDF documents separated into specific sports and visualized by means of the Tablenator module in table format for each week of the semester. In addition to presenting the lectures by means of the eForm builder, a total of 2363 online tests on sports theory were carried out in order to control the students’ level of mastering the material. A group of 381 students, consisting of compulsory and elective form ones from the departments of Pharmacy, Medicine and Dental Medicine, took part in this web-based education. An anonymous survey was carried out at the end of the semester in order to assess the realization of distance education in sports. The survey showed the positive attitude on behalf of the students regarding the content and the organization of this type of learning, but at the same time, it indicated that students are not inclined to replace the practical participation in sports with online theory. The conclusions that were drawn indicate that in the case of a pandemic of this scale online education significantly contributes to enriching the students’ knowledge but cannot replace the practical participation in sports activities. This form of education is strictly specific, relatively new, and difficult to apply by the instructor, and requires time to fully integrate in sports departments.
Keywords: online sport education; e-learning process; sport theory; building a platform; web examination
Vladimir Ivanov, Jasmin Tzankova
Medical University of Sofia (Bulgaria)
Psychological Consequences of Self-Isolation and Online Education of Sports Students during a Pandemic
Abstract. The pandemic COVID-19 constituted one of the greatest ordeals the world has seen in the last decades. Social isolation has changed students’ lives completely and brought a number of consequences.
The aim of this study was to investigate the dominant psychic conditions and perfectionism and their relation to the preferred coping strategies during the pandemic COVID-19 among sports students from Bulgaria and to outline their specificity depending on their gender, kind of sport, and qualification.
The research was done among 99 sports students who practice 11 kinds of sport, aged between 19 and 32 years, divided into groups according to their gender, kind of sport, level of qualification. The research methods included: 1) Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (FMPS, Frost, Marten, Lahart & Rosenblate, 1990), adapted for Bulgarian conditions by T. Iancheva, 2009; 3) Profile of Mood States (McNair, Lorr, & Droppleman, 1971); 4) Approach to Coping in Sport Questionnaire (ACSQ-1; Kim 1999; Kim & Duda, 1997).
There are significant differences depending on gender, kind of sport, and qualification. The specific role of adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism was viewed in relation to the dominant psychic conditions during social isolation and the preferred coping strategies.
Keywords: sports students; perfectionism; mood states; coping strategies; COVID-19
Tatiana Iancheva
National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” (Bulgaria)
The Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on University Lecturers in the Field of Sports Education
Abstract. The COVID-19 pandemic sets a precedent in modern history and is a threat to almost all countries in the world while challenging all existing systems. Efforts to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus among the younger and adult populations has prompted the widespread closing of schools, colleges, universities, and other educational institutions in many countries.
The aim of this study is to establish the influence and interrelations between the psychological aspects of perceived stress, post-traumatic stress symptoms and well-being in university lecturers in the field of sports education with distance teaching during COVID-19.
This online study was undertaken at the end of May 2020. Participants were 67 university lecturers in the field of sports education, between the ages of 25 – 70
years, divided into groups according to their gender, age, professional working experience, and academic positions.
The research methods included: The Perceived Stress Scale (PS-1); Method for psychological assessment of post-traumatic stress symptoms; WHO-5, Well-being Index.
There are significant differences depending on gender, age, professional working experience. Women experience stress stronger, have lower levels of well-being, and show more post traumatic symptoms, compared to men during the quarantine period. A statistically significant decrease of the level of well-being, and increase in the levels of perceived stress with age is found.
None of the studied parameters showed statistically significant differences in the groups that were differentiated by academic positions. The experiencing of post-traumatic stress symptoms increased when there was an increase of the perceived stress. The well-being decreases when the levels of perceived stress are higher and the participants have experienced post-traumatic stress symptoms.
These results may be seen as a starting point for future studies, examining personal and academic factors and the impacts of well-being on university lecturers.
Keywords: perceived stress; post-traumatic stress symptoms; well-being
Galina Domuschieva-Rogleva
Evelina Savcheva
National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” (Bulgaria)
Level of Fear, Opinion and Quality of Study during the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19). How Hard is it to Get Back to Daily Commitments?
Abstract. The appearance of the corona virus (COVID-19) occurred in China in December 2019, and after that it spread to other countries of the world, causing fear, anxiety and stress among people. The spread of the epidemic, strict isolation measures and the closure of schools, colleges and universities across the country have also affected students, who are also encountering a new form of learning for the first time. All higher education institutions in Europe, due to the impossibility of conducting classes, were forced to find the most suitable solutions for online learning and ensure the quality of learning in this form. In this research, a sample of 58 students from Nis who attend the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, University of Nis, was analyzed. Respondents conducted a survey on the level of fear, opinion, and quality of study at the time of the Corona virus pandemic (COVID-19). The aim of this study was to determine the level of fear, opinion and quality of study during the Corona virus epidemic (COVID-19) and how difficult it is to return to daily commitments. A large percentage of students showed fear and concern about the pandemic (75%). The students felt that the material was clear to them, as well as greatly facilitated by the situation in the country. They also agreed that the availability of teaching content was at the highest level. As for wearing protective equipment, as many as 80% of students said that it was difficult for them to have that type of protection. This pandemic has taught us that online teaching is the only means of communication in emergency conditions, so it is necessary to include this type of teaching in every level of education.
Keyword: students; online teaching; anxiety
Mima Stanković, Katarina Nejić, Nenad Stojiljković
University of Niš, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education (Serbia)
Teaching Challenges in Sports Education during the Pandemic COVID-19
Abstract. The aim of this study was to establish and compare the experienced difficulties during on-site and distance studies and to establish lecturers’ emotions connected with distance teaching in several online teaching situations during COVID-19. This online study was conducted at the end of May 2020. Participants were 67 university lecturers in the field of sports education, between the ages of
25 – 70 years, divided into groups according to their gender, age, professional working experience, academic positions. The research methods included a questionnaire designed especially for our survey. The data were collected with an anonymous, self-reported electronic questionnaire, two weeks after the lockdown in Bulgaria. The comparative analysis between the difficulties which the lecturers faced into two different ways of teaching students – “face-to-face” and distance teaching (Mann-Whitney) showed statistically significant differences along all researched indexes. It was established that the most prevalent negative emotions in the researched situations during online studies were: indignant and annoyed, and the most often experienced positive emotions were: satisfied, inspired, optimistic, and interested.
Keywords: distance teaching; face-to-face teaching; sports education; COVID-19; lecturers
Evelina Savcheva, Galina Domuschieva-Rogleva
National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” (Bulgaria)
Online Teaching during COVID-19 Pandemic – Were Students’ Expectations Met?
Abstract. The aim of this paper was to investigate whether the expectations of students were met by teaching them online during (COVID-19) pandemic. Respondent samples were 27 students from course Coach in Sports on Year 2 at Faculty of Sports, University “Union – Nikola Tesla”, Belgrade. As an instrument, there had been used an anonymous questionnaire made up of 10 questions. Results showed that more than 85% of students attended more than 50% of online lectures. Although most students, over 70% of them haven’t had any online classes taught through an e-platform before this pandemic, most of them (80%) didn’t find it difficult to follow through Meet Google platform. Almost 90% of them have graded that all lectures were accompanied by appropriate extra material put on the platform. Most of the students consider that online teaching and using online platforms for studying brings them both an easier and faster approach to relevant information, an individual way of teaching, an active way of studying, and more successful acquisition of new knowledge. More than 90% of students are completely satisfied with the quality of lectures, teaching organization, methods of work, availability of extra material, the relation between professors and administration staff with students. The most common reasons which disabled students from following online courses were the fact that the Internet connection and network didn’t function at its best during the state of emergency. Summing up the results of this research, we can certainly prove that students’ expectations were met by teaching them online through the period of the pandemic.
Keywords: Meet Google platform; e-learning; the state of emergency
Jelena Ivanović1), 2), Aco Gajević1), Ivanka Gajić1)
1)University “Union – Nikola Tesla” – Belgrade (Serbia)
2)Serbian Institute of Sport and Sports medicine – Belgrade (Serbia)
The Differences in Students’ Attitudes about Online Teaching during COVID-19 Pandemic
Abstract. This study aims to examine differences in students’ attitudes about online teaching, more precisely on the use of the Google classroom platform during a pandemic and their opinions on the quality of such teaching concerning classic teaching. The questionnaire was conducted to the third-grade university students divided into two groups: preschool teachers (n=65) and primary school teachers (n=64). A student attitude survey contained 15 items on a 7-point Likert-type scale with two open-ended questions regarding their problems and difficulties in online learning during the coronavirus pandemic in the Republic of Serbia and their opinion about advantages and disadvantages of distance over the classic learning. Results revealed that there are statistically significant differences among two groups of students (pre-school teachers and primary school teachers), at the level of significance at .005 at the total result at the questionnaire. Students reported that one of the advantages of distance learning was that they had additional knowledge and skills on the use of technology and that they can choose the time and place for solving the tasks of the classes. As the disadvantage of distance learning is that human contact is lost and they do not get feedback instantly, comparing to classical education.
Keywords: Google classroom; eLearning; university education
Aleksić Veljković Aleksandra1), Slađana Stanković2),
Irena Golubović-Ilić1), Katarina Herodek1)
1) University of Niš (Serbia)
2) University of Kragujevac (Serbia)
Online Education during Pandemic, According to Students from Two Bulgarian Universities
Abstract. From April to May 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic, a team of researchers from the National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski”, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, the University of National and World Economy and Bulgarian Academy of Science conducted a pilot study among students from Sofia University and the National Sports Academy whose aim was to understand the main characteristics of online education, its pros and cons. This article aims to present the results of this research in the context of the technical issues that have significant impact on the educational process during the online distance learning. 261 students from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and 166 students from the National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” are surveyed. The research methods are survey and comparative analysis of data. The results show how students from different universities and specialties perceive online education, how they evaluate it, and what risks it poses for university education in general.
Keywords: distance learning; higher school; attitude; online survey; learning platform
Antoaneta Getova¹), Eleonora Mileva²), Boryana Angelova-Igova²)
¹)Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski” (Bulgaria)
²)National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski”(Bulgaria)
Oppinions of Students for Their Sport Activity during COVID-19
Pandemic-Case of Students from Teaching Faculty in Stip
Abstract. The COVID-19 pandemic changed our lives affecting all areas of living. Education, teaching, our movement habits, including our hobbies and leisure time activities has been changed. Changes occurs for everyday habits of university students and young people as well. This study was designed with aim to determine changes that occurs in students sport activity during leisure in period of pandemic, compared with their previous movement habits as well as to determine differences in their opinions regarded their place of living. The study sample was consisted from 119 students at Faculty of Educational Sciences at Goce Delcev University Stip, Republic of North Macedonia. Specially designed questioner was applied and was administrated online. The obtained results were analyzed using descriptive statistic parameters and non-parametric procedure: t-test. Results suggest on maintaining the same level of physical activity before and during the pandemic, but changes in manner of its realization (home workouts, use of online video exercises, individual outdoor sports activities, etc). The same level of satisfaction of personal use of leisure time is also maintained but changes occurs in possibility for doing things and hobbies that can not be done before due to luck of time and other factors.
Keywords: pandemic; physical activity; leisure time, students
Despina Sivevska, Biljana Popeska
Faculty of Educational Sciences – Goce Delcev University Stip (Macedonia)
Students’ Attitude to Blended Classes in Aerobics during a Pandemic
Abstract. The rapid development of information and computer technologies raises the need to create new approaches, methods and models of teaching in higher education. Blended learning optimally combines established traditional face-to-face classes with those conducted in an electronic environment. The aim of the research is to study and reveal the attitude of the students from the UNWE towards conducting blended aerobics training. A total of 116 1st and 2nd year students from the University of National and World Economy are surveyed during the COVID-19 pandemic online through Microsoft Forms. A positive attitude of the respondents towards blended aerobics training is established. Students are willing to use the Moodle distance learning platform. The results of the study give grounds for the development and implementation of a model for blended sports aerobics training.
Keywords: sport; distance learning; higher school; program; pandemic
Iva Barova, Eleonora Mileva
National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” (Bulgaria)
A Study of the Impact of the Distance form of Education on the Locomotive Activity of the Students
Abstract. The study of the influence of the computer technologies on the physical health and locomotive activity represents a priority problem for a number of institutions and organizations such as public health, education, IT companies, etc. With the introduction of the distance form of education the number of people situated in conditions affecting their physical health has continuously been on the rise. It is of major importance therefore to establish the factors determining the influence of the used computer technologies on the degree of locomotive activity of the students during the process of the distance form of education. In the state of pandemic, the empirical investigation is one of the most suitable methods for obtaining information on the studied problem. On the basis of the mathematical statistical method results have been obtained about the risk factors for the physical health of the students as well as about the accompanying changes and harm. The results show a physical activity of a low degree during the time and after the work on the computer. Almost 40,9% of the studied ones confirm that they do not do exercises for expansion and stretching and in any of the three special groups the respondents inform about pains in the different parts of the body the most affected ones being those in the different parts of the zone “back”.
Keywords: health; students; learning form; harmful effects
Mariana Albert, Binnaz Asanova
Medical College “Yordanka Filaretova” at the Medical University – Sofia (Bulgaria)
Kinezitherapy Students’ Attitude to Foreign Language Learning in Pandemic Conditions
Abstract. The research was organized with second year students from the National Sports Academy “V. Levski” specializing in kinezitherapy in the second semester of 2019 – 2020. The aim of the research was to find out about students’ needs and interests in foreign language learning for their professional development. Due to the emergency situation of COVID-19 pandemic, the specialized English course was completed online, so the enquiry form also included questions on students’ preferences of the form of language learning- online, classroom or blended. The acquired results show that the majority of the students need to improve their communication skills and their knowledge in specialized terminology, and that they prefer to have the greater part of their foreign language course in the traditional form of classroom education, and only a small part of it – online.
Keywords: classroom education; online learning; communication
Tatiana Hristakieva
National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” (Bulgaria)
Distance Learning in the Conditions of COVID-19, the Point of View of Students and Pupils
Abstract. The global problem COVID-19 presents the human kind with new and unknown things. Problems, solutions to whom have no analogue in the human history. Those problems didn’t surpass the area of education- one of the main public spheres which dictates the tendencies of development of human kind. Looking for solutions for the ways to organize the education was one of the first problems to enter the big picture yet there still are no answers to how effective the online education is and to what degree it satisfies the different sides involved in the process of learning.
While looking for answers to some of the already mentioned problems we made an online questionnaire where 189 students in high school and university answered 16 questions regarding their opinion on organization and attitude towards the online education during the state emergency. The point was to study the opinion of college and high school students towards the organization and effectiveness of the online education and through the results to help making this type of education more effective.
The analysis and interpretation of the results of the questionnaire give us the right to make the following conclusions:
– The most used platform for online education with all 189 asked is Google classroom.
– The communication between teacher and student during the online education is most often made through sending the students the teaching material in different text formats and presentations on account of online connection.
– As leading problems in the online education, we can point out the quality of the internet connection, the lack of time for completing the given tasks, the lack of opportunity for instant communication with the teacher for discussing the subject and lack of certain schedule.
– With college students, as with the high school ones, we can notice the opinion that traditional education is far more effective than the online one and their preferences are that in the future the traditional education should be completed by the online one.
Keywords: distance learning; education; students; pupils
Korneliya Naydenova, Kaloyan Chernev
National Sports Academy „Vassil Levski” (Bulgaria)
Sports Students’ Satisfaction With Their Foreign Language Studies During The Outbreak Of Covid-19
Abstract. Satisfaction is one of the major factors for increasing a person’s motivation to get engaged in an activity. This survey aimed at revealing the differences in the degree of sports students’ satisfaction with their foreign language studies based on blended learning (a classroom-based education combined with the distance studies platform www.virtual.nsa.bg) and the online learning during the pandemic COVID-19. The research was done among 89 bachelor’s degree sports students at the National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski”, Sofia in the period 2018 – 2020. The analysis is based on the data received from the Questionnaire for assessment of the satisfaction with foreign language studies and the pedagogical observation carried out during the lockdown. The results revealed that there were statistically significant differences regarding students’ satisfaction with their teamwork (Z=-2,108, p=.035) and the overall satisfaction they got from their foreign language studies (Z=1.897, p=.48) in favor of the blended form of education. There were no statistically reliable differences along the rest of the indicators. In conclusion, we may say that comparing the online studies and the blended education, we cannot find great differences concerning the students’ degree of activity, and results from their final exams. The only difference observed regards the students’ attendance of the classes which was in favor of the online education.
Keywords: language acquisition, satisfaction, lock down, online education
Liliya Doncheva, Iskra Spasova, Mihail Georgiev
National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” (Bulgaria)
A Study On Some Aspects Of Distance Learning For Physiotherapy Students During A Pandemic
Abstract. During the COVID 19 Pandemic all Bulgarian universities offered different platforms for distance learning and gave the possibility to all teachers to choose which technology to use The aim of the study is to analyze the process of distance learning of two Physiotherapy courses using the possibilities of Facebook and Viber groups with their strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats. We used the inquiry method. The online questionnaires were designed using Google platform. We identified the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of this method of e-learning through a SWOT analysis. Using Facebook and Viber groups gives the opportunity to adapt faster and flexible to the new learning conditions and to achieve good study results. Regardless of the students’ satisfaction with the remote used technologies, the specific nature of Physiotherapy needs practical learning and working with patients which could not be achieved by distance learning.
Keywords: Facebook; Viber; education; physiotherapy
Nezabravka Gencheva, Aleksandra Gencheva-Vassileva
National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” (Bulgaria)
Analysis Of The Opinion Of The Students From The National Sports Academy About The Distance Learning In Basketball
In The Conditions Of Covid-19 Pandemic
Abstract. According to the declared state of emergency and lockdown in Bulgaria and in the world due to the pandemic of COVID-19, the last two months of the summer semester of the academic year 2019/2020 students from the National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” (NSA) continued their education from a distance through the e-learning platform of the Academy, in which educational materials for the different disciplines were uploaded. The aim of this study is to examine the opinion of first-year students of NSA about the distance learning in basketball, which under normal circumstances is conducted in the hall. The study also aims to make a comparative analysis of the percentage of the answers received by the criteria: faculty (Sports and Pedagogy) and gender.
Research methodology: the students were provided with a questionnaire containing 14 questions. The survey was anonymous and not mandatory. It was completed by 106 students (53 men and 53 women) from the first year of the Faculty of Sports and the Faculty of Pedagogy. To achieve the aims of the study, the following methods were applied: a review of the specialized literature and conducting a survey.
Mathematical-statistical methods: the results were processed with SPSS 23, using frequency analysis by one-dimensional and two-dimensional frequency distribution, and comparison of the distribution of features with Pearson’s χ2 criterion.
Keywords: asynchronous learning; faculty of Sports; faculty of Pedagogy; gender
Маriana Borukova, Мilena Kuleva
National Sports Academy „Vassil Levski” (Bulgaria)
The Impact Of Pandemic Into Sport Statistics Learning – Students’ Opinion
Abstract. The worldwide pandemic had affected all aspects of human life but had greatly affected the education system. Education was also influenced and forced new ways and means of learning in all the stakeholders’ viz. teacher, students and institutions.
The aim of the present study was to examine how COVID-19 pandemic and eLearning impact into sport statistics learning in master’s program “High performance sport”.
The research was done among 20 master’s students, learners in a program “High performance sport” in both type of learning (full-time and part-time study), profiled as male and female (38.6 ± 9.2 years).
During the training, several ways of training and communication with students were used (the same for both forms of training) – Zoom (for online lectures in real time), Google classroom (for materials and communication), Virtual NSA (materials, projects and communication) and e-mail (projects and communication). It was found that 65% of students were actively involved in various forms of education, including online lectures.
Assessment of students is related to the possibility of consultation with the teacher (1.20±0.41). The general satisfaction of the trainees is also evident from the fact that their assessments on this issue are between 1- strongly positive and 2-positive. High marks are also given for answered student’s question in a timely manner (1.40±0.68) and respect student’s opinion and critical remarks (1.35±0.67).
The feedback and the possibility for normal and timely communication with the teacher, despite the limitations of the state of emergency, has a positive effect on the students.
The students evaluated positively the conducted distance learning in statistics and can concluded that the pandemic and the imposed changes in the way of teaching have had a positive impact on the assimilation of the material by the students.
Keywords: COVID-19; eLearning; sport statistics; master’s degree; assessment
Silvia Ilieva-Sinigerova
National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” (Bulgaria)
Analysis Of Distance Handball Education In Students From The National Sports Academy “Vasil Levski”
Abstract. At a time when our whole daily life was organized in a new and unusual way, due to the epidemiological situation we were in, it is normal for students to be organized in a different way (remotely). That is why we surveyed and analyzed the results of the students from the Faculty of Pedagogy of NSA “V. Levski” regarding the conducted online handball training. The aim of our study is to study the interests and attitudes of students from NSA “Vasil Levski” to distance learning in handball. The organization of the survey is related to an online survey conducted on the platform “Surveynuts” from 01.06. to 10.06. 2020 To achieve the goal we used the methods: theoretical and logical analysis, survey method and mathematical and statistical method – alternative analysis. Based on the analysis, we found that 73% of students are completely satisfied with online handball training. The most effective and most frequently used training platform was that of the NSA (virtual). Although distance learning has its advantages, 69% of students do not think that this form should remain the main one, due to the fact that handball is a practical discipline.
Keywords: handball; survey; interests; training
Emil Avramov, Milena Avramova
National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” (Bulgaria)