The Year of Kant
Prof. Valentin Kanawrow, DSc.
South-Western University
Managing Editor of the Issue
Transcendental Constitution of World and Ego Observations on Heidegger’s Perception of Kant
Prof. Harald Seubert
Independent Theological College of Basel,
Chairman of the Martin Heidegger Society
Abstract. Immediately after his ultimately fragmented main work “Being and Time” (1927), Heidegger had a phase of intensive engagement with Kant, especially his main work “Critique of Pure Reason” (1781)…
Theory of Cognition and Practical Interest in Kant: on the Distinction Between Appearance and Thing in Itslef
Prof. Dr. Aliki Lavranu
Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences
Abstract. The article examines the significance of the distinction between phenomena and things in themselves for the foundation of Kantian practical reason…
Between Dialectics and Criticism: Kant’s Philosophical Development
Dr. Ivo Minkov
South-West University
Abstract. The article presents a unique interpretation of Kant’s philosophical development by exploring the relationship between dialectics and criticism…
The Concept of Transcendental Apperception and its Role in the Second Edition of Kant’s Transcendental Deduction
Dr. Vera Lyubenova
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Abstract. The aim of this article is to trace the meaning that Immanuel Kant assigns to the concept of transcendental apperception and to present its role in the second edition of the Transcendental Deduction in his Critique of Pure Reason…
Kant’s Importance for European Philosophy. The Perspective of Hermeneutic Philosophy
Prof. Andrzej Przyłębski
Adam-Mickiewicz University of Poznan (Poland)
Abstract. The article is a short presentation and critical evaluation of the main aspects of Kant’s theoretical and practical philosophy…
Kant’s Aesthetics in the Perspective of Sensory Studies
Sylvia Borissova, Assoc. Prof.
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Abstract. This article gives a synopsis of one of the fastest expanding in the last few decades interdisciplinary scientific fields keeping aesthetic problems and questions in its core, that of sensory studies, in order to sift out and systematize their interpretation of Kant’s aesthetics from his Critique of Pure Reason, Critique of Judgement and Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View…
Virtualistic Transcendentalism as a Concept of Systematic Critical Metaphysics. The Pentalogy of Valentin Kanawrow
Silviya Kristeva, Assoc. Prof.
South-West University
Abstract. Valentin Kanawrow develops his system of critical metaphysics across five systematically linked monographs. The core of this pentalogy is the original concept of virtualistic transcendentalism…
Two Theoretical Symposia in Bulgaria Dedicated to the 300th Anniversary of the Birth of Immanuel Kant
Daniela Draleva
South-West University
Simeon Groysman, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University