Assessing Bulgarian SMES’ Maturity for Industry 4.0 Implementing – The Case of “Montana Hydraulics” Ltd
Assist. Prof. Gabriela Peneva, Prof. Ognyan Andreev
Technical University of Sofia
Abstract. The publication presents the application of developed in Peneva (2021) “Model for Assessing Bulgarian SMEs’ Readiness for Industry 4.0” in a Bulgarian SME: “Montana Hydraulics” Ltd. In the model, the approach of the series of international standard ISO/IEC 33000 “Information Technology – Process Assessment” is used and adapted…
Инструментариум за оценка на предприемаческите компетенции сред учащите
Доц. д-р Даниел Йорданов
Университет за национално и световно стопанство
Резюме. Разрастването на обучението по предприемачество предизвиква поставянето на въпроси, свързани с измерване на предприемаческите компетенции, което доведе до увеличаване броя на изследванията, фокусирани върху предприемаческите компетенции…
The Risk Analysis of Chemical Tankers Passing Through the Turkish Straits between 2010 – 2022
Prof. Dimitar Dimitrakiev, Dr. Dobrin Milev
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy
Dr. Ergun Gunes
Essex, UK
Abstract. This analysis aims to highlight the risk created by the chemical tankers by comparing their movements in the Turkish straits…
Determinants of Firm Competitiveness: Econometric Evidence from the Bulgarian Industry
Assoc. Prof. Desislava Ivanova, Dr. Rumyana Angelova
Trakia University – Stara Zagora
Abstract. The factor effects of profitability at company and sectoral levels have earned a special status in research literature as a general measure of competitiveness…
Strategies and Policies to Support the Development of AI Technologies in Europe
Assoc. Prof. Miglena Molhova,
Assoc. Prof. Petya Biolcheva
University of National and World Economy
Abstract. The starting point for this particular research is to uncover the relationship between the establishment of the regulatory framework, the implementation of various European digitisation development programmes and other types of enabling environment (financial instruments and programmes) with the demonstrated performance of business and science in the form of registered patents in the field of AI…
Bulgaria’s Technological Development Through the Prism of Higher Education Policies
Assoc. Prof. Ivaylo B. Ivanov,
Assoc. Prof. Miglena Molhova
University of National and World Economy
Abstract. The current paper aims at studying the technological development and the economic growth related with it from the perspective of the development of human brains and cognitive abilities of people, thus linking it to the educational framework, strategies, and policies, which a country sets as a basis for such development…
Pre-Incubation Toolkits for Academic Entrepreneurship Fostering: Bulgarian Case
Prof. Dr. Nikolay Sterev
University of National and World Economy
Abstract. The economic growth and development becomes more and more dependent of the innovation and technology transfer nowadays. Thus, the focus of the common economical and educational policy is moved on development talents and the policy instruments are built to search for innovation signs from the students’ bench…
Intelligent Animal Husbandry: Farmer Attitudes and A Roadmap for Implementation
Prof. Dr. Dimitrios Petropoulos, Koutroubis Fotios
University of Peloponnese
Assoc. Prof. Petya Biolcheva
University of National and World Economy
Evgeni Valchev
University of Plovdiv
Abstract. In order to preserve and develop sheep breeding, it is necessary for traditions to meet with intelligent technologies…
Ролята на иновациите за следкризисно възстановяване на малките и средните предприятия
Доц. Сия Велева
Университет по архитектура, строителство и геодезия
Проф. Младен Велев
Технически университет – София
Резюме. Малките и средните предприятия (МСП) са най-важната част от нашата икономиката и тяхното състояние и развитие е определящо за общото икономическо представяне и развитие на страната…
Effective Management of Human Resources in Tourism through Motivation
Assoc. Prof. Fahri Idriz
Technical University – Sofia
Assoc. Prof. Marin Geshkov
University of National and World Economy – Sofia
Abstract. Tourism policy exists to provide tourists and the community with certainty about tourism development, maximizing benefits for stakeholders while minimizing adverse effects, costs, and other impacts…
Пулове в трамповото корабоплаване и правилата относно конкуренцията с оглед на чл. 101 от Договора за функционирането на Eвропейския съюз
Проф. д-р Светлана Димитракиева
Технически университет – Варна,
Висше военноморско училище „Н. Й. Вапцаров“
Гл. ас. д-р Кристиана Атанасова
Висше военноморско училище „Н. Й. Вапцаров“
Гл. ас. д-р Огнян Костадинов
Висше военноморско училище „Н. Й. Вапцаров“
Резюме. Трамповото корабоплаване работи в силна конкурентна среда и принципно се счита за икономически модел на свободна търговия…