Competitiveness as a Result of Creativity and Innovation
Dr. Nikolay Krushkov, Assoc. Prof.
University of National and World Economy
Dr. Ralitza Zayakova-Krushkova
Technical University
Abstract. The aim of this article is to highlight that critical thinking and creativity generate innovation that is at the core of long-term competitiveness…
Innovation, Technical Progress and Economic Development
Dr. Aleksandar Aleksandrov, Assist. Prof.
University of National and World Economy
Abstract. The aim of the article is to show through a theoretical overview that there is an inextricable link between economic growth, technological progress, innovation and intellectual property…
Enhancing Economic Security through Intellectual Property
Dr. Dimiter Gantchev, Assist. Prof.
University for National and World Economy
Abstract. Intellectual property has a key role in ensuring national economic security. It is being constantly challenged and multiple risks affect its adequate application…
Development of Bulgarian National Radio (BNR) as Public Media. Opportunities and Perspectives
Dr. Hristin Strijlev
University of National and World Economy
Abstract. The idea of the present material is to analyze the structure and activity of the Bulgarian National Radio /BNR/ as an important element in the media system of Bulgaria…
Intellectual Property and Security in the Integrated Circuits Industry
Dr. Ivan Nachev, Dr. Yuliana Tomova,
Iskren Konstantinov, PhD student,
Marina Spasova, student
University of National and World Economy
Abstract. The production of integrated circuits (IC) is key to the development of the world economy. The system of intellectual property offers different means of protection for the products of the IC industry…
Green Trademarks and Sustainability
Dr. Silviya Todorova, Assist. Prof.
University of National and World Economy
Abstract. The new generations of consumers are increasingly aware and demand more and more sustainable products that are friendly to the environment and health in general…
Enterprise Security as an Element of Market Competitiveness
Dr. Gergana Tsankova, Assist. Prof.
University for national and world economy
Abstract. The security of the enterprise is crucial for its competitiveness in the modern business climate. It involves the protection of assets, information, personnel, and business processes, including intellectual property. Insufficient protection can lead to the leakage of corporate information and infringement of patent rights, jeopardizing the competitiveness of the company…
Digital Cultural Heritage as a Strategic Resource for Innovations
Dr. Polina Stoyanova, Assist. Prof.
University of National and World Economy
Abstract. This article explores the role of digital cultural heritage as a strategic resource for fostering innovations across various sectors.
Artificial Intelligence and Its Protection as an Invention
Dr. Vladislava Pаcheva, Assist. Prof.
University of National and World Economy
Abstract. The subject of this article is artificial intelligence (AI) and its protection as industrial property, more particularly as inventions. It indicates the essence of artificial intelligence and the areas of application of the technology…
Knowledge Management and Intellectual Property in the Organization
Dr. Dimitrina Papagalska
University of National and World Economy
Abstract. This paper aims to demonstrate the interrelationship between
knowledge management and intellectual property management in the organization as a prerequisite for achieving and maintaining competitiveness in different types of organizations…
Chain of Title of a Film or Other Audiovisual Work
Dr. Ivan Nachev
University of National and World Economy
Abstract. The purpose of the article is to determine the place and importance of Chain of Title of a film or other audiovisual work, which is the basis of the successful sale of film industry products…
Royalties Payable for Public Performance of Musical Works in Commercial Establishments and Other Public Locations
Dr. Hristin Strijlev
University of National and World Economy
Abstract. This paper discusses:
Basic terms in the field of copyright and related rights, author and his basic characteristics and powers and holders of related rights and their powers, as an introduction to the topic…
State and Barriers to the Digitalization of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Bulgaria
Dr. Boyko Takov
University of national and world economy
Abstract. In the year 2021, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) constituted 99.81% of the total number of enterprises in Bulgaria…
Intellectual Property Protection for Integrated Circuits
Iskren Konstantinov, PhD student
University of National and World Economy
Abstract. The intellectual property (IP) protection of integrated circuits (ICs) is of key importance as the semiconductor industry has become a vital part of the advancement of technology and the development of the global economy…