Svetlana Dimitrakieva, Ognyan Kostadinov, Christiana Atanasova
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. A basic principle in Law is the freedom of contract. Particularly, in Private Shipping Law, contractual parties may agree on all lawful terms and conditions which are most appropriate for the performance of the carriage. During the years of maritime trade practice, different types of contracts has been created, as well as systems of Chain Charter Parities have been adopted, through all of which the relations between maritime traders were settled. All this has contributed to maritime commercial practices for the carriage to be carried out not only by the shipowners, but also by other maritime traders with the appropriate authority and competence.
Keywords: maritime transport; charter party; liner bill of larding; voyage charter; time charter; bareboat charte; shipowners; disponent owners; carriers; charterers; commercial management; risks