Dr. Dimitar Komitov, Assist. Prof.
Aleksandrina Angelova, Assist. Prof.
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) training is accepted as extremely important for safety in modern navigation. At present, two types of training are required for deck officers. Operational use of ECDIS is mandatory training for deck officers and it is conducted according to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Model course 1.27. This course provides general knowledge about ECDIS. Type specific training is indispensable for the officers to know all the capabilities, functions, and limitations of the ECDIS used onboard. The lack of regulations for this type of training allows the manufacturers of ECDIS to apply their own requirements. This can result in improper and insufficient training.
Based on research of the opinion and experience of deck officers, the authors of the paper propose a model of a standard for type specific training.
Keywords: ECDIS; type specific training