Gaisha Mussina, Dr. Bayan Sapargaliyeva
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University – Almaty (Republic of Kazakhstan)
Dr. Bakhyt Alipova, Assoc. Prof.
International Information Technology University – Almaty (Republic of Kazakhstan)
Abstract. The article analyzes new methods and innovative approaches to the implementation of education in digital format, which are actively being introduced in higher educational institutions. The scientific work is based on the method of theoretical analysis of research of the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. New methods and innovative approaches to the implementation of education in digital format have been identified and are being actively implemented by higher educational institutions. In general, this study shows that Kazakh universities are adapting to distance education with certain difficulties. Despite sais difficulties that the pandemic has presented in the field of education, it is important to emphasize the possibilities of distance learning.
Keywords: digitalization; Kazakhstan; COVID-19; innovations; higher education system; university