Berik Matayev
Pavlodar Pedagogical University (Republic of Kazakhstan)
Prof. Dr. Kadisha Shalgynbayeva
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Republic of Kazakhstan)
Dr. Zaru Kulsharipova, Assoc. Prof.
Pavlodar Pedagogical University (Republic of Kazakhstan)
Abstract. Modern psychological and pedagogical studies of professional training of undergraduate students in the specialty “Pedagogy and Psychologyˮ in online learning conditions increase the relevance of research in the field of the “Selfˮ concept. The psychological term “Self” in science has many meanings. On the one hand, the “Selfˮ, as mentioned above, is the result of the separation of a person from the surrounding communication space, which allows them to feel and feel their physical and mental state and to know themself as a subject of activity. On the other hand, self-realization of their own “Self” is an object of self-knowledge for them, especially at the stage of professional development. Diagnostics of the “Self” concept of students in the conditions of professional training was carried out using the methods of S.A. Budassi, M. Kuhn, T. McPartland “Who am I?”, “I am in the past. I’m in the present. I’m in the future” and a specially designed questionnaire. The sample consisted of 141 students of Pavlodar Pedagogical University (PPU) and Toraighyrov University (TOU) aged 17 to 23 years, without work experience. Based on the results obtained, the hypothesis of the existence of a relationship between the “Self” concept and the professional training of future specialists was confirmed.
Keywords: self concept; professional training; student; personality; future specialist