Dr. Aleksandar Krastev, Assist. Prof.
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University – Branch Pleven (Bulgaria)
Abstract. Inclusive education happens when all children and students regardless of their specific features, disabilities or gifts are placed under conditions that enhance their personal potential and talents to develop. Successful inclusive education is being achieved mainly when the differences and diversity among children and students are accepted, comprehended and taken into account. Extremely significant appears also the attitude of the adults applying the integration in practice. All pedagogic professionals and concerned sides such as parents and community are responsible for the inclusion quality. The ability of everybody participating in the inclusion process to support, tolerate and accept the diversity and individuality is in itself intelligence – inclusive intelligence. The degree of inclusive intelligence depends not only on the information volume, knowledge and experience, but also on the willingness of every pedagogic professional to support and accept the diversity in children.
Keywords: inclusive education; inclusive intelligence; diversity; teaching