Nikolai Nikolov, Mladen Savov
1) Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian academy of Sciences (Bulgaria)
2) University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria)
3) Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Bulgaria)
Abstract. In this work we review and derive some elementary properties of the discrete renewal sequences based on a positive, finite and integervalued random variable. Our results consider these sequences as dependent on the probability masses of the underlying random variable. In particular we study the minima and the maxima of these sequences and prove that they are attained for indices of the sequences smaller or equal than the support of the underlying random variable. Noting that the minimum itself is a minimum of multi-variate polynomials we conjecture that one universal polynomial envelopes the minimum from below and that it is maximal in some sense and largest in another. We prove this conjecture in a special case.
Keywords: discrete renewal theory, polynomial approximation