Dr. Tetiana Dokuchyna, Assoc. Prof.,
Prof. Dr. Svitlana Myronova,
Dr. Tetiana Franchuk, Assoc. Prof.
Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University
Abstract. The article examines the problems of an integrated approach to the development of academic mobility in the system of training a special education teacher. The results of an experimental study are presented, which made it possible to find out the real state of readiness of future special teachers for academic mobility; to identify problems that have an inhibitory effect on this process.In general, they indicate the dominance of the student’s object position in the system of his professional development, so academic mobility is not perceived by them as an effective means of developing professional competence. This is confirmed by the results of a survey on the range of indicators of existing experience in academic mobility, the attitude to it as a factor of the quality of professional development and the presence of barriers that complicate it.
The prospects of providing a systematic approach to the development of academic mobility of students are determined, within which it is necessary: on the one hand – to design the development of the student’s subject position in the system of his professional development on the basis of an individual educational trajectory, on the other – to develop gradually the possibilities of academic mobility based on increasing the active position of the student himself.
Keywords: academic mobility; special educational needs; professional mobility; special education; professional training