1) Dr. Dmitry Igorevich Pavlov
2), 4) Adel Victorovna Kaplan
3) Kirill Viktorovich Butarev
1), 2) State Educational Institution “School №2009” – Moscow (Russia)
3) State Educational Institution “School №444” – Moscow (Russia)
4) Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State
Pedagogical University Faculty of Primary Education – Moscow (Russia)
Abstract. The article describes the problem of teaching programming at an early school age. The main objective of the article is to demonstrate the results of research on the problems of early learning. The authors analyzed teaching programming in Russian schools, its past, present and prospects. The local (subject) tasks and the global impact of early learning in programming on learning in primary school have been determined.
The authors, as the results of their research, highlight several problems that arise in early learning to program. And they establish the reasons, as well as possible ways to overcome these problems.
Keywords: computer science; elementary school; programming; propedeutics of programming