The purpose of this artic1e is to outline the main aspects of two versions of stigma, in particular failure and success. Stigmatizing the losers and the sL1ccessf’ul people remains less prominent than such widely discussed
stigmas as the racial and the ethnic, the stigma on individuals with disabllities and non-standard sexual orientation, discrediting the adults and devaluatioп of the social roles of women. The reason for this is рrоЬаЫу because the animosity towards the failures and the successes of others seems to Ье easily concealed behind slogans of criticism, lawfulness, moral justice and similar inflated puЫic positions, hiding the sustainaЫe prejudiced attitudes of the numerous members of the stigmatizing groups. Irrespective of the forms employed to excuse the animosity towards the failing and successful individuals, such animosity should Ье always acknowledged as а dangerous stigma, traumatizing the life of the various people in any society.