Dr. Radoslav Bozic, Assist. Prof. 1), Prof. Dr. Djurdjica Takaci2), Milan Grujin3)
1) Educons University – Novi Sad (Serbia)
2) University of Novi Sad (Serbia)
3) Ministry of Education – Novi Sad (Serbia)
Abstract. In this paper, the influence of collaborative learning of functions, algebraically represented as functions with parameters, in GeoGebra environment is analyzed. The research presented in this paper is the continuation of the research in Bozic and Takaci (2021), conducted at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia, with two groups of students, the experimental and the control one. The students in the experimental group learned in small, four member groups and the students in the control group learned individually. The students from both the groups learned in GeoGebra environment. The students’ learning achievements in examining properties of functions with parameters is analyzed and compared. It is proved that it is better when the students work in collaborative groups than when they learn individually.
Keywords: Calculus; Collaborative learning; Dynamic software; Functions with parameters