Ani Dimitrova, PhD
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Abstract. The present article focuses on the question what are the educational perspectives of higher education in Bulgaria as member of the EU within the Global Changes 2030.The perspectives on education are challenges facing the Bulgarian society, which necessitates a dialogue of all involved in the process. Education and its main institutions face the challenge of preserving the Renaissance sense of belonging to a community and, through the introduction of digitalization and modern technologies, maintaining the personal attitude and good example. This implies conscious investments in human and material resources in order for the new technologies to be the natural environment of the process of learning and acquisition of knowledge and skills. For the purpose of this article, a variety of research methods have been used, including methods of analysis and synthesis of both primary and secondary sources of information. In addition, the use of induction and deduction, as well as secondary data analysis, has been applied. Moreover, statistical modeling and model-based analysis have also been implemented in the research process. Based on the critical analysis of the system of higher education in the country, specific problem areas have been identified. The analysis leads to the following conclusions: They concern the management of the higher education institution and the maintenance and improvement of the quality of education in it; the development of research and innovation activities in it; the improvement of funding and student admission schemes; the digitization of the learning process and the services provided by the administrative and management staff in the higher education institution; the development of the teaching staff and the professional guidance and counseling of students.
Keywords: higher education; digitalization; educational perspectives