Dr. Ivan Beloev, Assoc. Prof.,
Dr. Valentina Vasileva, Assoc. Prof.
University of Ruse Angel Kanchev, Bulgaria
Prof. Vasyl Shynkaruk, DSc., Assoc. Prof. Oksana Bulgakova,
Assoc. Prof. Maria Bondar
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
Assoc. Prof. Lesia Zbaravska, Assoc. Prof. Sergii Slobodian
State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilia, Ukraine
Abstract. The article analyzes the theoretical provisions that form the basis of the concept of teaching physics to students of agricultural and technical educational institutions during lectures. The integrative connections of the fundamental and professional orientation of teaching physics to the students of the agro-technical educational institution during the lectures are established and the tested method of their carrying out is described. The basic methods of realization of professional orientation of teaching physics on lecture forms of employment of students of agrarian-technical educational institutions are opened. The basic ways of increase of professional knowledge of students at studying of a course of physics are defined. It is proved that the use of professionally oriented material contributes to the formation of a system of physical knowledge of students, as well as the acquisition of various practical skills and abilities. The introduction of professional competence in the educational process stimulates cognitive interest in the study of physics as a science, allows better learning of other disciplines of the natural science cycle, develop their cognitive and creative abilities, influence the formation of stable motives for acquiring knowledge in special disciplines.
Keywords: training; physics; lecture; fundamentality; professional orientation