Pawel Piskur 1), Piotr Szymak 1),
Bartosz Larzewski 2)
1) FUD Technologies Sp. z o.o. (FT) (Poland)
2) Polish Naval Academy (Poland)
Abstract. The article discusses various crane mathematical modelling and simulation methodologies. The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of wind force on the dynamic of shipyard cranes, particularly hook movements in the horizontal plane. Appropriate simulation models are required to offer a robust control strategy that allows the crane to be remotely operated in windy circumstances. As a result, mathematical models based on differential equations for varying numbers of independent variables are compared to object-oriented, physical modelling model based on Matlab Simscape Multibody. The assumptions are explored, as well as the effect of the number of independent variables on model correctness.
Keywords: shipyard crane; nonlinear dynamic system; state space; transmittance; Simscape multibody simulation